Mikayla’s post makes great points about how Experiential Learning can be used to effectively help their students learn on their pod’s project. Utilizing this learning process in their writers’ workshop activity is an excellent way to let the students learn and experience their writing process with tons of feedback and retrospective for them. The students share their work and then get feedback on their piece from either the peers or instructors. All of this translates right into some of the phases of Kolb’s Learning Cycle proposed for experiential learning. Her group will be keeping this great activity through their blueprint and interactive learning resource which is an amazing addition to their course.

Sarah’s blog post on Cooperative Learning brings up an excellent view on how the strategy encourages more social interactions between learners. It’s crucial for instructors to monitor their learners and not teach them during this strategy. However, she brings up an important distinction of how different this is from what our intuition would say – group projects. Her rationale includes five characteristics about a learning group which are necesssary to be understood for an effective use of this approach. She also explains in great detail how this approach would be helpful for her pod’s Interactive Learning Resource.

It was great to read everyone’s experiences about different learning strategies! Thank you everyone! 🙂


Cover photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

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